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Naruto DVD Vol. 5 - Shinobi Weapons<font color=#FF0000><b> [OUT OF STOCK - CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE]</b></font>

Naruto DVD Vol. 5 - Shinobi Weapons [OUT OF STOCK - CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE]

Specifications Domestic

Media Type DVD
Number of Discs 1
Episodes 17-20
Running Time Approx. 88 mins
Release Date
Language English
Subtitles English
Regions Coding 1
Release By Viz Video
Naruto Vol. 5 - Shinobi Weapons
Now that Naruto has unleashed the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox, Haku knows it's going to take more than a simple house of ice mirrors to defeat him. Off in the distance, Kakashi readies himself to take down Zabuza once and for all. Will he defeat Zabuza before the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox destroys them all?

Contains episodes 17-20:
White Past: Hidden Ambition
The Weapons Known as Shinobi
The Demon in the Snow
A New Chapter Begins: The Chunin Exam!

Spoken Languages: English, English Closed Captions.

This is the Edited Version as seen on Cartoon Network's Toonami Block.

MSRP Price: $19.98
Our Price: $15.99
Save: $3.99