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Arc The Lad #1: Hunters And Monsters

Arc The Lad #1: Hunters And Monsters

Specifications Domestic

Media Type DVD
Number of Discs 1
Episodes 3
Running Time Approx. 75 mins.
Release Date 4/17/2001
Language English, Japanese
Subtitles English
Regions Coding 1
Release By ADV Films

(OUT OF STOCK) - Discountinued Item, No longer available


A deadly hunt with human prey!

Action fans, hold onto your seats as the hit Playstation game comes to home video in a stunning new animated series! Join Elk, the youngest member of the Hunters Guild, who finds himself propelled into an epic odyssey across an apocalyptic world in search of the enigmatic outlaw known as Arc The Lad. Together with the mysterious Lieza and the powerful warrior Shu, Elk must defeat a sinister organization that's creating half-human monsters and find his way to Arc, whom Elk believes responsible for the destruction of his village! Mutants and assassins abound in the first spectacular volume of Arc The Lad!