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Arc The Lad #5: Oath Of Vengeance

Arc The Lad #5: Oath Of Vengeance

Specifications Domestic

Media Type DVD
Number of Discs 1
Episodes 5
Running Time Approx. 125 mins.
Release Date 10/16/2001
Language English, Japanese
Subtitles English
Regions Coding 1
Release By ADV Films

(OUT OF STOCK) - Discountinued Item, No longer available


After the fires...

The defeat of Galuano was only the beginning of the battle. As Arc leads the Smerian forces against Andel's army, the sinister Clive masterminds a different assault on an unexpected target. As Shu battles Toshu and the barrier protecting the shrine is destroyed, a powerless Elk must face both his worst fears and his greatest challenge. The world stands on the edge of Armageddon in the fifth stunning volume of Arc The Lad!