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Arc The Lad #6: Day Of Reckoning

Arc The Lad #6: Day Of Reckoning

Specifications Domestic

Media Type DVD
Number of Discs 1
Episodes 5
Running Time Approx. 125 mins.
Release Date 1/22/2002
Language English, Japanese
Subtitles English
Regions Coding 1
Release By ADV Films

(OUT OF STOCK) - Discountinued Item, No longer available


Who will live and who will die?

As the awesome power of the Chimeras is unleashed in a wave of horror that engulfs the entire planet, the Lords of Darkness launch a new offensive against the champions of the spirits. Now the crew of the Silver Noah must face their greatest fears and meet their ultimate challenge. Will Elk have to kill his beloved Lieza in order to save the world? Will Arc survive his final confrontation with the sinister Clive? Find out the answers in the final shocking volume of Arc The Lad!