Flower and Snake - The Animation (Hentai DVD)
Shizuko, a 26-year-old housewife, is lured into a trap when her stepdaughter is kidnapped by the Kizakura gang. The kidnapping scheme was hatched by an evil CEO whose main goal is to make Shizuko his sex slave. Eventually, she's coerced into performing a bizarre sex show in front of a large audience. They force Shizuko to perform with her stepdaughter. Though she refuses at first, she gradually accepts and decides to roll with the twisted pleasure of it all.
Spoken Languages: English, Japanese, English subtitles.
** This is an UNCENSORED hentai animation
WARNING: This Adult (Hentai ) title is absolutely not for viewers under 18 years of
age. Contains graphic violence, explicit sex and sexual situations. Viewer discretion advised.
All characters depicted in sexual conduct or in the nude are aged 19 years or
older. No actual or identifiable minor was used in the creation of any character
depicted herein.