The Borrower Arrietty DVD Hayao Miyazaki's Films: A Studio Ghibli (Japanese Ver) Anime
The story takes place in 2010 in Koganei, western Tokyo and like the novel revolves around a group of "tiny people" who are 10 cm tall that live under the floorboards of a typical human household.A boy named Sho arrives at the house his mother lived in as a child, to live with his great aunt Sadako. When Sho leaves the car, he sees a cat trying to attack something in the bushes, but the cat leaves after being attacked by a crow. Sho goes to see what the cat was trying to attack to see a Borrower named Arrietty.[5] That night Arrietty's father Pod takes Arrietty above the floorboards to show her how he gets sugar. Pod shows Arrietty the kitchen, behind the walls and a dollhouse. Before Arrietty and Pod can leave, Arrietty notices Sho is awake, and drops the sugar cube hey got……