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Tattoon Master (Anime DVD)

Tattoon Master (Anime DVD)

Specifications Domestic

Media Type DVD
Number of Discs 1
Episodes Movie
Running Time Approx. 60 mins.
Release Date
Language English, Japanese
Subtitles English
Regions Coding 1
Release By Media Blasters

Tattoon Master

Hibio's mother is a globetrotting adventurer who's been away from home most of his life. In order to get permission to research an ancient tribe, she must offer a special gift to its princess. Much to Hibio's surprise, he's the gift! Returning home from school one day, he finds the beautiful princess Nima waiting for him. She's come to collect her new husband, but the strange modern world and a host of rivals are standing between her and happiness!

DVD Features: Photo Gallery.

Spoken Languages: Japanese, English with English subtitles.

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